Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Subtle sucking up can be a career strategy
Subtle sucking up can be a career strategySubtle sucking up can be a career strategySelf-assessment quiz True or FalseI pay attention to when and how I can help my boss during stressful, busy times.I consider myself a team player.I believe everyone benefits from a little praise.Sucking up to your boss and other higher-ups can well suck. And lets face it no one likes a brown-nosing, overt suck-up. Its disingenuous, insincere, and annoying as all get out. But thats not to say there isnt room in your work life for kinder, gentler sucking up. Lets simply reframe it and call it praising or boosting others. Believe it or not, it can have its benefits.We need to have compassion toward one another at work. Dropping a card on your bosss desk for her 10-year work anniversary or because she kicked ass getting all financials in on deadline for the international board meeting can actually be pretty classy rather than cocky because you demonstrated that you were paying attention to the little stuff.Noticing others hard work and showering them with appropriate and sincere compliments can go a long, long way. Team morale can go up, you could help boost a colleagues confidence in areas you may not even be aware of, and you just might make a few friends along the way.As a senior vice president in a global corporation, one of my fruchtwein memorable employees was someone well call Judy. Judy paid attention to me and her job. She took notice of the little things like if I needed a 300 p.m. MM pickup, or would gently point out that Id left someone off an email. She complimented me when a project was handled well, when it seemed like no one else had even noticed. herbei attention made me feel more secure and confident in my daily office life because I felt like there was at least one person on the team who had my back. I could count on her for little and big things because I knew she paid attention to details AND to people. I had another colleague - lets call her Sharri - who was always so darn positive when the rest of us felt demoralized and defeated that just knowing she was going to be on a conference call made the entire call bearable. She would end calls or emails with the chant Teamwork makes the dream work And we believed her.If your work environment is not this touchy-feely or doesnt have an open-emotion policy, maybe its because no one has ever tried To quote Gandhi, Be the change you wish to see in the world and become the person who takes a risk to make the work environment encouraging. And do it in writing You dont have to turn your office into a never-ending, feel-good Lifetime Hallmark card or movie, but instead of moaning about everything thats wrong with the work environment, departure sending Job Well Done notes instead. Or write a motivational quote on that dead whiteboard in the kitchen that no one uses. Sending a teamwide Keep Up the Good Work email during a grueling deadline time is not sappy. It is encouraging and thoughtful. Be su re to include your boss. Everyone appreciates some good oldfashioned sincere sucking up - er uh, excuse me - praising from time to time. And it makes you stand out.Your boss may notice that you operate from a place of compassion and possibly put you on a special client assignment that requires tact, introspection, and a nurturing approach in which you have now fully demonstrated you excel. Being human could open doors you didnt even realize were on your horizon. Try it, and let me know how it works for you.Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor youve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and living a five-star life can be found atwww.powerf ulpenny.com.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Insperity Offers Insights on Business Confidence in New Survey
Insperity Offers Insights on Business Confidence in New Survey Insperity Offers Insights on Business Confidence in New Survey 40 percent of respondents said they added employees during Q2 2013 compared to 28 percent one year ago. Fifty-six percent state that their workforce numbers remained the same and just 4 percent said they laid off employees. Compared to Q2 2012, employee salaries were up an average of 2.8 percent while bonuses were down 1.2 percent and commissions increased by 9.1 percent. 58 percent of employers have included in their business plan to pay their employees their current rate for the rest of 2012 while 28 percent plan to increase pay. Just 2 percent plan to reduce pay while 12 percent are unsure of their plans. Regarding the economy, 34 percent of business owners think it is recovering, 27 percent expect it to begin recovering by the end of the year, and 38 percent are unsure. The biggest concerns facing small-and-medium sized businesses were reported as econo my (50 percent) and health care reform/rising health care costs (48 percent). 60 percent of businesses are concerned about government expansion, 56 percent worry about tax increases, and 55 percent are nervous about the national debt.
Getting to the Point in Plain English
Getting to the Point in Plain English Getting to the Point in Plain English You could say that the core meltdown that occurred on Three Mile Island in March of 1979 was the result of an engineers poor writing. Months before the accident, an engineer sent a long memo to every engineer at the facility. Filled with jargon and detailed explanations, the most important element, which might have kept Three Mile Island from becoming a household phrase, was left to the penultimate sentence. The example is a favorite of Les Perelman, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum for MITs Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies. The specific problem with the memo, as Les points out, is that the most crucial point was hidden in the last paragraph of the memo. Important information is not a treasure that you bury, he says. But the memo also illustrates a more general problem that often plagues engineers when they turn to the language of the layman: The proof is not the point, its the point thats the point. Reports, memos, e-mails, and speeches to mangers, subordinates, nonengineers and engineers alike, need not, and should not, attempt a complete proof of any problem. Clarity and being concise are what count. Proof is not the point, says Perelman, Thats why God created appendices. The career paths of MIT alumni changed dramatically in the 1980s and 1990s. Where they once might have started as bench engineers and worked their way up to become senior or principal engineers, now, after five years or so, they were becoming managers, at which point the amount of writing they had to do doubled. Meanwhile, surveys of alumni revealed that they felt confident with all the skills their jobs required of them except for the ability to write and speak effectively. Subsequently, MIT started their Writing Cross the Curriculum program. The communication component for many courses now counts for 20 percent of the grade. MIT students and engineers are taught to be optimizerstheyre going to optimize any system. At any less than 20 percent, the students could blow it off, says Perleman. To Perleman, the trick for his students and for engineers in general, is to realize that mathematical sense and the more general reader sense are two entirely different entities. Engineers often have several ticks that reveal they havent totally separated the two. One is the run-on sentence. A sentence filled with multiple clauses and conjunctions might make logical sense for someone willing to parse it out, but the typical reader will get lost by the end of it. Perelman tells his pupils to think of the reading human as a computer. Short-term memory keeps track of what is said verbatim. Then the human brain changes the verbatim sentence to a logical proposition and stores that. Which is why if I ask you What did you say? you probably wont be able to give back verbatim what I said, only the logical, semantic content of what I said, says Perelman. The human brain has a very small amount of RAM. Basically, what theyre doing is overloading the buffer. In addition to buried treasure and run-on sentences, engineers hoping to write to the point, and not the proof, should not fall back into proof-like habits. Some engineers get so involved in the process that they dont translate it into English. Theyll plop in 15 lines of pseudo-code and expect that everyone is going to understand, instead of giving a two- or three-line explanation of what the pseudo-code does. The worst I have ever seen is when someone used a memory address as a verb; gave the hexadecimal memory address. Something like It then 6a4b1 it. To avoid such pitfalls, engineers should keep in mind both who their reader is and also that they need only tell, not prove. The whole point is that a mathematical explanation can be very complex because you cant break it up, says Perelman. They want to continue that in words, and it doesnt work the same way. Michael Abrams is an independent writer. To Perleman, the trick for his students and for engineers in general, is to realize that mathematical sense and the more general reader sense are two entirely different entities.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act
FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act The FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act), a U.S. federal law that was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, lets workers take time off from their jobs if they are seriously ill or need to care for a newborn or newly adopted child, or a seriously ill parent, child or spouse. Although leave is unpaid, employees are allowed to keep their medical benefits, paid time off, and seniority. Provisions to help military families were added in 2008 and updated in 2013. Who Is Eligible to Take FMLA? To be eligible for the FMLA, you must meet the following requirements: Your employer must have employed 50 or more workers for at least 20 weeks of the current or preceding calendar year. These employees must work within 75 miles of your worksite.You must have worked for that employer for at least 12 months, not necessarily consecutive, for a total of at least 1,250 hours during the period immediately preceding your leave. For What Reasons May You Take Leave Under FMLA? If you are an eligible employee, you may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in any 12 month period for the following covered reasons: You have an illness that makes you unable to work.You have given birth.You are caring for your newborn, newly adopted child, or a child who has been placed with you for foster care.You must care for your seriously ill spouse, child (under 18 except in certain circumstances), or parent. How Does the FMLA Protect Eligible Employees? If you take leave under FMLA, it protects you in the following ways: When you return to work your employer must reinstate you to the same job you had before beginning your leave or an equivalent one.Your employer must continue your group health benefits during your leave.Your employer cant take away your accrued benefits, for example, seniority or paid time off. You wont, however, continue to accrue these benefits while on leave.An employer cant discriminate against you for taking leave under the FMLA. What Do You Have to Do If You Need to Take Unpaid Leave Under FMLA? If you need to exercise your right, under FMLA, to take unpaid leave, you must inform your employer of your desire to do so. If you know in advance that you will need to take time off, referred to as foreseeable leave, you must request it at least 30 days before you want it to begin. If your need is sudden, called unforeseeable leave, you must request it as soon as you can. Follow your employers standard and customary call-in procedures, unless you have unusual circumstances. Let your employer know how you plan to take your leave: all at once or intermittently. Or do you need a reduced work schedule? Intermittent leave means you will take time off during different periods. You must get your employers permission to take an intermittent leave or use a reduced-leave schedule to care for a newborn or a newly adopted, or foster child.Provide medical certification, if your employer requires it, when you need to take leave because of your own illness or to care for a relative. Your direct supervisor may not contact your healthcare provider, due to concerns about privacy and he or she may only provide information related to the condition for which you are requesting the leave. Continue to pay for your share of group health benefits while on leave under FMLA.Inform your employer when you intend to return to work or if the circumstances of your leave change, for example, if you must take a lengthier leave or will be ready to return to work sooner than anticipated.Provide proof from a physician that you are ready to return to work if your employer asks you for it. State Family and Medical Leave Laws Several states have their own family and medical leave laws. Some even require employers to pay their workers during their absence. If you are covered by both FMLA and a state family and medical leave law, your employer must allow you to take leave under the law that offers greater benefits. If you want to find out if your state has a family and medical leave law, contact your states labor office. What To Do If Your Employer Fails to Abide by the FMLA? If your employer denies you the right to use FMLA, you can file a complaint with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor. Contact your local district office. What is Military Family Leave? In 2008, provisions to help military families were added to FMLA. They were updated in 2013. To be eligible for Military Family Leave, the employee must meet the eligibility requirements for FMLA as described earlier.The FMLA-eligible spouse, parent, or child of a currently or about-to-be deployed member of the U.S. Armed Forces may take exigency leave or military caregiver leave.Exigency Leave pertains to circumstances arising from the military members deployment. It may include taking time off from work to deal with financial or legal arrangements; attend deployment-related events; make childcare arrangements for the child of the military member (who may or may not be the child of the person taking the leave); attend counseling for yourself, the military member, or his or her child because of a deployment-related issue; or spend Rest and Recuperation Leave with the military member. Military Caregiver Leave allows you, as the spouse, parent, child, or next of kin of a current service member or military veteran discharged within the last five years, to take up to 26 weeks in a single 12 month period to care for him or her in case of a serious injury or illness. Sources: Information included here has come from the following sources on the U.S. Department of Labor Website. Please consult them if you would like to learn more about FMLA and Military Family Leave: FMLA (Family and Medical Leave)elaws : Family and Medical Leave Act AdvisorNeed Time? The Employees Guide to Military Family Leave Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (2013)
Monday, November 18, 2019
LinkedIn Easy Apply What Employers See When You Apply on LinkedIn
LinkedIn Easy Apply What Employers See When You Apply on LinkedIn LinkedIn Easy Apply What Employers See When You Apply on LinkedIn When browsing job listings on LinkedIn youll notice that some jobs have an Apply button while others have a LinkedIn Easy Apply button. Whats the difference between these two options? LinkedIn Easy Apply (left) vs. normal apply (right) What is LinkedIn Easy Apply? While the Apply button will typically take you to a companys job site, Easy Apply lets you apply without leaving LinkedIn. When you click Easy Apply, a popup like this will appear: LinkedIn Easy Apply applications are usually pretty straight forward. They typically feature a dropdown to select your preferred email address, a place to enter a phone number, and an option to upload your resume. Occasionally youll be taken to a new page that will include a few extra fields, like work authorizations. What an employer sees when you apply through LinkedIn If you apply for a job via LinkedIn Easy Apply, your first impression will probably be this: Before they review your complete LinkedIn profile, you have to grab their attention here with just a few pieces of information. Have a great photo This should go without saying. Opting not to use a photo could get you passed over, so upload a photo and make it a good one. That means something professional, in focus, well lit, and not too grumpy. Write a strong LinkedIn headline Your headline stands out throughout the LinkedIn application process. By default, LinkedIn creates your headline based on your current job title and company. For example: âWeb Developer at Jobscan.â But with 120 characters to work with, stopping there is a wasted opportunity. Add in other details that describe what you can do for the company. Check out these LinkedIn headline tips and examples here for more information. Align your location and industry Ensure that your location aligns with where youre looking for jobs, not necessarily where you currently live or work. Same thing for industry. Think about where youre trying to take your career rather than where its historically been. Optimize your LinkedIn profile to match View critical match shows the recruiter a breakdown of how well your profile aligns with the job description. The skills section is made up of the keywords you entered into your Skills Endorsements profile section as well as words you used throughout your profile. Recruiters and hiring managers can also sort their applicants by Match Score, which appears to be based mostly on job title match, experience level, location, and industry. While you dont need to tailor your LinkedIn profile for every job application the way you would your resume, you do need to write a complete, keyword-rich LinkedIn profile that matches the types of jobs you want. Try LinkedIn Optimization Jobscan has a tool that analyzes your LinkedIn profile against three or more jobs at a time. LinkedIn Optimization scores yours profile and shows you the exact skills missing from your profile based on the job descriptions. Try it today to get your profile score and dozens of other checks covering everything from your headline to your network to your industry relevance. Attaching your resume in LinkedIn Easy Apply While LinkedIn Easy Apply applications typically include a place to upload your resume, its often marked optional and is deemphasized within the recruiters dashboard. LinkedIn sees itself as the evolution of resumes, so its not surprising that resumes are merely a supplemental part of many LinkedIn applications. In the recruiter dashboard, the resume you upload is hidden within a couple obscure menus, like this: They can also find it by scrolling down near the bottom of your profile in an Additional Info section. In these cases, yes, upload your resume to LinkedIn, and yes, tailor it to the job. But dont submit your LinkedIn application hoping your resume will do the heavy lifting. Your candidacy will likely live and die with your LinkedIn profile so needs to be in tip top shape. Learn more about creating a killer profile: Try LinkedIn Optimization Jobscans LinkedIn profile writing guide How to write a LinkedIn headline (with examples) How to write a LinkedIn summary (with examples) Easy Apply variation Some Easy Apply applications, particularly with big money companies, are a little different. Nike Easy Apply application on LinkedIn While a Nike recruiter will take applications through LinkedIn, they probably arent doing much within the LinkedIn Recruiter platform. Nike accepts applications through a number of different channels and they need to keep everything uniform within their applicant tracking system (Nike uses Taleo). Thats why they need to require a resume here. If you dont have one handy, LinkedIn can convert your profile to a resume, which is used for the Submit a PDF version of your LinkedIn profile option. What you need to know about the standard Apply button If Easy Apply is not shown as an option, you will likely be taken away from LinkedIn to complete your application. Applicant tracking systems Typically, this application page is part of the companys applicant tracking system, or ATS. These systems are used to collect, filter, search, and rank incoming resumes. When applying through an ATS, its important to strategically optimize your resume based on the job description. This will help you rise to the top of the ATS algorithms and avoid what has become known as the resume black hole. Learn more about ATS: What you need to know about ATS How to write an ATS resume Test your resume with Jobscan Your profile was shared with the job poster After clicking Apply, you might notice a message that says your profile was shared with the job poster. Even if you do not follow through with your job application, the job poster now knows that youre interested. This likely wont make a difference in your job search, but recruiters sometimes sort through these shared profiles when theyre not getting enough quality applications. Here is what these profiles look like from the recruiters side: Hopefully this peek behind the curtain helps you become a better applicant and write a stronger LinkedIn profile. For more information like this, check out our Job Seekers Guide to LinkedIn Recruiter Search and be sure to check out Jobscans leading LinkedIn optimization tool.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How to Ace a Job Interview
How to Ace a Job Interview How to Ace a Job Interview Congratulations! You have just landed an interview for what could be a wonderful job. Now what? A successful interview will be essential for you to lock in a job offer, and this is your chance to impress the interviewer enough to get hired.Tips for Acing a Job InterviewTaking the time to prepare will make the interview process, which can be lengthy, run smoothly. You will be able to make the best possible impression at every job interview you go on. Heres advice on how to ace a job interview, including tips on every aspect of the interview from preparation through follow-up.Conduct Company ResearchResearch should always be your first step after accepting an interview. Gathering background information on employers is crucial to successful interview preparation.An employer will expect you to know something about the company, and expect you to know why you will fit in well there. You need to be prepared to answer the questions, What do you know about our company? and Why do you want to work here?Knowing as much as possible about the companys past performance and future plans can also help you better explain how you can add value to the company.Before the interview, review the companys website, particularly their âAbout Usâ section. Also check out their LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other social pages to see what information the company is sharing. Review Glassdoor reviews, salaries, and interviewing information.Dont be afraid to contact your prospective employer to request details on the position you are interviewing for. The more information you have, the more comfortable youâll feel while youâre talking to your interviewer.More: How to Research a CompanyUse Your Connections to Get the Inside ScoopIf you know someone who works at the organization or who can put you in touch with a current or former employee, youâll be able to gather information that can give you an advantage over the other applicants.Check LinkedIn to see if you have contacts at the company you can use to get insider information. If your college has an alumni network tap that, as well. Ask your connections about the interview process they went through when they were hired, ask what they like - and donât like - about working for the organization. Learn as much as you possibly can about the company and the job for which youâre applying. It will help you know what to ask, as well as giving you insight into the role.More: How to Find Contacts at a CompanyTake the Time to PracticePractice makes perfect (or at least leads to improvement). Conduct practice interviews with a friend or family member, and ask for their feedback. You can also record or videotape your responses so you can review your answers and check your body language.Prepare answers to commonly asked interview questions. Doing so will help you analyze your background and qualifications for the position. You donât need to memorize answers, but having an idea of what youâre going to say will help you frame a solid response.Also be ready to respond when youâre asked if you have any questions for the interviewer. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer. Remember, you arent simply trying to get the job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess whether this company and the position are a good fit for you. The more you practice, the more self-assured you will feel walking into the interview. Your answers will feel natural, and interviewers will be impressed by your confidence.More: How to Practice for a Job InterviewLearn Behavioral Interviewing TechniquesIn addition to standard interview techniques, behavior-based interviewing is becoming more common. It is based on the idea that a candidates past performance is the best predictor of future performance. Behavioral interviews involve you answering questions about how you have handled past situations at work.The best way to prepare is to make a list of your skills, values, and interests as well as your strengths and weaknesses. For each item on the list, consider a time when you displayed that quality. Take the time to compile a list of responses to common behavioral interview questions.When answering, describe the past situation, and how you successfully handled it. Make sure your answers are related to the job for which you are interv iewing. More: Behavioral Interviewing Tips and StrategiesPrepare for Different Types of InterviewsIt is important to know what type of interview you will have, so you can effectively prepare. For example, you will prepare differently depending on whether it is your first, second, or final interview.Phone and Video InterviewsYou will also have to practice using different technologies if it is a phone or video interview. For both, youâll need a quiet place to interview, a time when you wonât be interrupted, and the technology necessary to smoothly handle the meeting. Take the time to make sure everything is in working order, and do a trial run, so youâre ready when itâs time for the actual interview.Out of the Office InterviewsFor a lunch or dinner interview, you will want to review polite dining tips before you go. Get to the restaurant a few minutes early, and expect the hiring manager to pick up the check. Check online to get a sense of appropriate attire to wear. You may also be ab le to review the menu to get ideas on what to order. Interviewing over a cup of coffee is much less formal, even though it can be a stepping stone to a formal in-office interview. A casual interview is an excellent way to learn more about a potential employer and the people who work at the company. Youâll have more flexibility and opportunities to discuss the role in an informal setting.Group InterviewsYou might also have a group interview, in which you are either interviewed by a panel, or interviewed along with a group of candidates. For this kind of interview, you want to practice both answering questions and being a good listener (which you can show by responding thoughtfully to your group membersâ comments and through your body language).Make sure you know what kind of interview you will be having before you arrive. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to ask the employer or recruiter who set up the meeting.Dress for Interview SuccessYou will want to decide what to wear before the interview day. Your first impression is very imp ortant, and what you wear is a big part of that first impression. Therefore, you want to make sure you look professional and appropriate for the work environment.In general, for formal business interviews, men tend to wear a dark suit and tie, and women often wear a dark suit or a blouse with dark pants or a skirt. You should also limit accessories, make sure you are well groomed, your clothing fits you well, and your shoes are shined.You will be able to dress more casually for a job at a startup, or a job at a place with a casual work environment. Whatâs important is to wear whatâs a good fit for the corporate environment, but even when youâre interviewing at a workplace where nobody has heard the phrase âdress codeâ you donât want to look like a slob. Neat and tidy business casual is a good option when you know that a suit isnât going to be appropriate interview attire.If you are unsure about what to wear, email or call the person who scheduled the interview and ask about the typical dress code. It is always a good idea to dress just a little bit more professionally than the dress code requires. Your goal is to make the best impression possible.More: Interview Outfit Tips | How to Dress Appropriately for Your WorkplaceHow to Handle the Day of the InterviewIt is very important to be on time for the interview. On time means ten to 15 minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time or check out other options for getting there so you know exactly where you are going, how long it will take to get there, and what the transportation and parking situation looks like.If youâre running late youâll be stressed, and thatâs no way to start an interview for what could be your new job.Interview EtiquetteRemember that itâs not only the hiring manager who makes the decision on who to hire. Be polite and gracious to everyone you meet from the time you walk in the door to when you leave. The people you meet could be your fut ure co-workers, so make the best impression on them that you can.When you arrive, introduce yourself to the receptionist. Make sure you know the interviewers name and use it as soon as possible during the interview. If youre not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview.More: How to Introduce Yourself at a Job InterviewAvoid Common Interview MistakesIn addition to doing everything right, itâs important to avoid doing the wrong thing when youâre trying to get hired for a new job or a promotion. What shouldnt you do when interviewing? Check out the most common job interview mistakes, blunders, and errors interviewees make before you start getting ready to interview. Some of them are minor. Others can make or break your chances of getting hired.What (and What Not) to BringRemember to bring an extra copy of your resume, a list of references, and any work samples you want to show the employer. Bring a list of questions to ask the interviewer. Itâs a good idea to bring a notepad and pen to take notes.Itâs also important to know what not to bring. Do not bring coffee, gum, or anything else not related to the job. Turn your phone off and put it away before you walk into the office.More: What to Bring With You to an InterviewTry to Stay Calm and Avoid StressIf youâre nervous, visit the restroom before your interview, and wash and dry your hands so they arenât sweaty. Take some deep breaths, and remember that this is only one interview and youâve prepared as well as you can for it. If the interview goes wrong, itâs not the end of the world, and you may even be able to fix it.During the interview, try to remain as calm as possible. Ask for clarification if youre not sure whats been asked and remember that it is perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to frame your responses so you can be sure to fully answer the question.Also, remember that thorough preparation helps build confidence and relieve stress. The more you research the company, practice answering interview questions, and prepare for the day of the interview, the calmer and more confident you will feel.More: How To Avoid Interview Stress | Tips for Handling a High-Pressure InterviewTake the Time to Follow-UpEven though youâve finished the interview, youâre not quite done yet. End the interview with a thank you to the interviewer, and reiterate your interest in the position. Then follow-up with a personal thank you note or email message restating your interest. This is an opportunity to remind the employer of your qualifications, and to include any details you forgot to mention in the interview.More: Tips for Following Up With an InterviewerHow to Tell If the Interview Went WellSometimes you can tell right away that an interview isnât working out. You may know as soon as the interviewer starts telling you about the job that you donât want it. The chemistry between you and the hiring manager may not feel quite right. Or you can tell youâre not a goo d fit for the job after all.During other interviews, it may not be as clear. Here are some signs that your job interview went well. If it didnât, consider it a learning experience, and more practice. With every interview you have, youâll be better prepared to ace the next one - and get the job.More: 10 Interview Skills That Will Help You Get Hired
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Report Fashion industry suffers from diversity and inclusion issues
Report Fashion industry suffers from diversity and inclusion issues Report Fashion industry suffers from diversity and inclusion issues Thereâs a great scene in âThe Devil Wears Pradaâ where Meryl Streepâs character Miranda Priestly gives Anne Hathawayâs Andy an earful about what fashion means to the world:âYou think this has nothing to do with you,â she says,â ⦠but what you donât know is that that sweater is not just blue. Itâs not turquoise. Itâs not lapis. Itâs actually cerulean. And youâre also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns, and then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent who showed cerulean military jackets, and then cerulean quickly shot up in the collections of eight different designers. And then it filtered down through department stores, and then trickled on down onto some tragic Casual Corner where you no doubt fished it out of some clearance bin.âThis to-the-point monologue distills, in a few sentences, how central fashion is to our lives. At least most of us wear clothes on a daily basis. Those of us who do would be kidding ourselves if we didnât believe the shirt on our backs wasnât informed by a bigwig designer, even if we purchased it on super sale at Target.But the fashion industry has a problem - while it services people of all abilities, gender identities, sexualities and ethnicities, its workforce does not always fully represent those customers. And though its most fervent clients are women, its leaders often are not.This may come as a surprise because so many of the major names in fashion belong to women Think Coco Chanel, Kate Spade, or Vera Wang. But behind the scenes, women donât always play a prominent role.In 2017, 85% of students enrolled at New Yorkâs Fashion Institute of Technology were women. But when fashion news publication The Business of Fashion (BOF) assessed 371 designers during fashion weeks for spring/summer 2017 collections, only 40.2% of the designers making clothes for women were female themselves. A year before that, BOF found that only 14% of 50 majo r fashion brands were run by women.To understand some of these gaping inconsistencies (and to promote a more diverse and inclusive industry), The Council of Fashion Designers of America and PVH Corp. held a leadership forum on October 29, 2018, and published an affiliated briefing this January. The reportâs authors found that fashion suffers from an inclusivity issue that keeps important voices out of the discussion.Researchers defined âdiversityâ as âthe mix, simply a measure of differenceâ and âinclusionâ as âa climate in which diverse individuals come together to form a collective whole, enabling and empowering individuals to make contributions consistent with their beliefs and backgrounds.âBefore the October forum, researchers sent executive-level attendees a questionnaire about their companyâs practices. 41% ranked their business a 3 out of 5 in terms of diversity, while 36% said the same of inclusion at their companies. Though the data was self-reported, it indicates that people at higher levels of fashion organizations feel as though the industry performs average when it comes to diversity and inclusion.The report claims that âthese statistics are simply not enough. âResearchers further broke people in the fashion industry into two groups: The âinsidersâ and âoutsiders.â Insiders donât necessarily know theyâre setting the norms or benefitting from unconscious biases, though they are. Meanwhile, outsiders are more aware that theyâre conforming to the norms, and their contributions are often overlooked.âThe important perspectives brought by outsiders, which are often central to creativity and innovation, can be lost,â the report found.The fashion industry may on paper appear one of the last places where diversity of leadership is a problem, at least in terms of gender. But even in one of the most liberal, female-leaning professions, it appears that women and minorities have trouble ascending to the top rungs.â We recognize that there is still a lot of work to do to make the fashion industry more diverse and inclusive,â Jason Kass, associate dean of the school of fashion at Parsons School of Design, said in the report. âThis means not shying away from difficult discussions and recognizing historical and ongoing imbalances in terms of who is seen, heard, and designed for.âThat doesnât mean that the sector is at a standstill - in fact, it seems that fashion is finally waking up to its shortcomings.âDiversity and inclusion in fashion is shifting in a more positive and progressive way,â Shanel Campbell, a womenswear designer, said in the report. âAlthough the rate has been slow, I can still appreciate the fashion industryâs acknowledgment for change and the necessity of inclusion. I have been seeing a more diverse range of people behind the scenes and within positions of power that then can inform critical decisions around creating diverse narratives and visuals throughout fas hion.â
Friday, November 15, 2019
The elastic brain The most important thinking habit nobody taught you
The elastic brain The most important thinking habit nobody taught you The elastic brain The most important thinking habit nobody taught you âThose who cannot change their minds cannot change anything,â George Bernard Shaw said that.And Einstein also said, âThe measure of intelligence is the ability to change.âFollow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Laddersâ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Life is neither static nor unchanging, itâs fluid.Nothing stays the same.Elastic thinking (experts may call it cognitive flexibility) allows us to shift gears and think about something in more than one way.A fixed mindset can sabotage your efforts to thrive in a changing environment.How elastic is your brain?The ability to stretch beyond your core strengths when necessary and quickly rebound back to your core skills and discipline is a desirable trait.Elasticity is essentially responsiveness to change in an ever-changing world.To survive in an environment of constant stimulation and rapid change, elastic thinking is essential.Elasticity is flexibility.Itâs the ab ility to adapt to new situations, break down complex tasks into bite size chunks, improvise, and shift strategies to meet different types of challenges.Flexibility gives the human brain the edge over computers is flexible thinking.Elastic minds are people who reimagine new ways to solve existing problems and create tools make things better, easier, faster and smarter.The best innovators can quickly shift their perspective.âOur new role as visionaries, decision makers, and strategic informants means we canât rely on any rules. There are more stakeholders, more complicated products, and faster market cycles. In this environment, elasticity is more important than everâ explains Stuart Karten, the Founder and President of Los Angeles-based product innovation consultancy.To thrive now and in the future, you have to be willing to rise above conventional mindsets and wisdom.You become indispensable in the world by constantly outgrowing your existing roles.The questions you asked toda y may not unravel the answers you seek tomorrow.To stay competitive in life and business, you have to be open to new paradigms. You have to rely as much on your imagination as on logic.Elastic thinking is about stretching your mind and using âbottom upâ processing in the brain rather than the top down executive functions that drive analytical thinking. It encompasses a range of processes including, but not confined to, neophilia (an enthusiasm for novelty), schizotypy, imagination, idea generation and divergent thinking,â explains Dhruti Shah of BBC Capital.Elastic thinking, in combination with rational or logical thought, and creative thinking will make you indispensable.Elastic thinking endows us with the ability to solve novel problems and overcome the neural barriers that can impede us from looking beyond the status quo.Solving problems and drawing better conclusions requires a blend of logical, analytical and elastic thinking.âLogical analytical thinking is really good when you are trying to solve a problem youâve seen before. You can use known methods and techniques to approach whatever issue you are dealing with. Elastic thinking is what you need when the circumstances change and you are dealing with something new. Itâs not about following rules,â says Leonard Mlodinow, theoretical physicist, author of âElastic: Flexible Thinking in a Time of Change.ââChange is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.â - John F. KennedyThe elastic mind of LeonardoâThe important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day. - EinsteinLeonardo da Vinci maintained a passionate curiosity throughout life.He simply wanted to know.He was an elastic thinker and a prolific creator.His mind wandered merrily across the arts, sciences, engineering, and humanities.More than 7,000 pages of Leonardoâs notebooks still exist.His genius came from being wildly imaginative, quirkily curious and willfully observant.His novelty was a product of his own will and effort, which makes his story inspiring for us and also more possible to emulate.Da Vinciâs work paved the path for artists, scientists, and philosophers alike.Most of the people we admire often have the gift of the elastic mind.Today, more than ever, we must embrace the elastic mindset.In a stable world devoid of change, we can solve problems by applying the same old techniques, principles, and rules.But the age of unprecedented technological change constantly challenges us to find new solutions.Do you give in when faced with a problem you have not seen before, or are you driven by the determination to achieve?How strongly are you driven to reach that âlightâ at the end of the tunnel?Sol ving problems and drawing better conclusions within an existing framework requires a blend of analytical and elastic thinking.In the right combination with other traits, elastic thinking is a crucial predictor of total well-being.âNovelty-seeking is one of the traits that keeps you healthy and happy and fosters personality growth as you age,â says C. Robert Cloninger, a psychiatrist.How to develop an agile mindFor those wishing to tap into elastic thinking, Mlodinow suggests carving out time for daydreaming, talking to people outside your social circle, absorbing great art out of your comfort zone, listening to ideas or concepts you actively disagree with before disregarding them.Always try to look at everything from more than one angle.Change the context or your environment and youâll feel your mind shift.Take a walk. Take a coffee break.Exercise offers another great mental boost.Mental flexibility is aided by novelty, and that contributes to brain growth and development thro ughout a lifetime.The next time you encounter the stress of change, remember that you can adapt to thrive and become indispensable in the ever-changing world.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoy⦠New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklinâs daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people The elastic brain The most important thinking habit nobody taught you âThose who cannot change their minds cannot change anything,â George Bernard Shaw said that.And Einstein also said, âThe measure of intelligence is the ability to change.âLife is neither static nor unchanging, itâs fluid.Nothing stays the same.Elastic thinking (experts may call it cognitive flexibility) allows us to shift gears and think about something in more than one way.A fixed mindset can sabotage your efforts to thrive in a changing environment.How elastic is your brain?The ability to stretch beyond your core strengths when necessary and quickly rebound back to your core skills and discipline is a desirable trait.Elasticity is essentially responsiveness to change in an ever-changing world.To survive in an environment of constant stimulation and rapid change, elastic thinking is essential.Elasticity is flexibility.Itâs the ability to adapt to new situations, break down complex tasks into bite size chunks, improvise, and shift strategies to meet different types of cha llenges.Flexibility gives the human brain the edge over computers is flexible thinking.Elastic minds are people who reimagine new ways to solve existing problems and create tools make things better, easier, faster and smarter.The best innovators can quickly shift their perspective.âOur new role as visionaries, decision makers, and strategic informants means we canât rely on any rules. There are more stakeholders, more complicated products, and faster market cycles. In this environment, elasticity is more important than everâ explains Stuart Karten, the Founder and President of Los Angeles-based product innovation consultancy.To thrive now and in the future, you have to be willing to rise above conventional mindsets and wisdom.You become indispensable in the world by constantly outgrowing your existing roles.The questions you asked today may not unravel the answers you seek tomorrow.To stay competitive in life and business, you have to be open to new paradigms. You have to rely as much on your imagination as on logic.Elastic thinking is about stretching your mind and using âbottom upâ processing in the brain rather than the top down executive functions that drive analytical thinking. It encompasses a range of processes including, but not confined to, neophilia (an enthusiasm for novelty), schizotypy, imagination, idea generation and divergent thinking,â explains Dhruti Shah of BBC Capital.Elastic thinking, in combination with rational or logical thought, and creative thinking will make you indispensable.Elastic thinking endows us with the ability to solve novel problems and overcome the neural barriers that can impede us from looking beyond the status quo.Solving problems and drawing better conclusions requires a blend of logical, analytical and elastic thinking.âLogical analytical thinking is really good when you are trying to solve a problem youâve seen before. You can use known methods and techniques to approach whatever issue you are dealing with. Elastic thinking is what you need when the circumstances change and you are dealing with something new. Itâs not about following rules,â says Leonard Mlodinow, theoretical physicist, author of âElastic: Flexible Thinking in a Time of Change.ââChange is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.â - John F. KennedyThe elastic mind of LeonardoâThe important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day. - EinsteinLeonardo da Vinci maintained a passionate curiosity throughout life.He simply wanted to know.He was an elastic thinker and a prolific creator.His mind wandered merrily across the arts, sciences, engineering, and humanities.More than 7,000 pages of Leonardoâs notebo oks still exist.His genius came from being wildly imaginative, quirkily curious and willfully observant.His novelty was a product of his own will and effort, which makes his story inspiring for us and also more possible to emulate.Da Vinciâs work paved the path for artists, scientists, and philosophers alike.Most of the people we admire often have the gift of the elastic mind.Today, more than ever, we must embrace the elastic mindset.In a stable world devoid of change, we can solve problems by applying the same old techniques, principles, and rules.But the age of unprecedented technological change constantly challenges us to find new solutions.Do you give in when faced with a problem you have not seen before, or are you driven by the determination to achieve?How strongly are you driven to reach that âlightâ at the end of the tunnel?Solving problems and drawing better conclusions within an existing framework requires a blend of analytical and elastic thinking.In the right combi nation with other traits, elastic thinking is a crucial predictor of total well-being.âNovelty-seeking is one of the traits that keeps you healthy and happy and fosters personality growth as you age,â says C. Robert Cloninger, a psychiatrist.How to develop an agile mindFor those wishing to tap into elastic thinking, Mlodinow suggests carving out time for daydreaming, talking to people outside your social circle, absorbing great art out of your comfort zone, listening to ideas or concepts you actively disagree with before disregarding them.Always try to look at everything from more than one angle.Change the context or your environment and youâll feel your mind shift.Take a walk. Take a coffee break.Exercise offers another great mental boost.Mental flexibility is aided by novelty, and that contributes to brain growth and development throughout a lifetime.The next time you encounter the stress of change, remember that you can adapt to thrive and become indispensable in the ever-c hanging world.This article first appeared on Medium.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Its OK and Normal to Struggle at a New Job - The Muse
Its OK and Normal to Struggle at a New Job - The Muse Its OK and Normal to Struggle at a New Job For as long as I can remember, Iâve been told that Iâm a talented writer. My school essays were always met with high scores and gold stars. I wrote for my local newspaper when I was just a teenager. I even won first place in a poetry contest when I was in third grade (yes, my mom still has the book to prove it). But, for one reason or another, I didnât start my career as a writer. In fact, it took me a few years to finally take the leap and pursue the one thing that people had always assured me I was good at. At that point, with my head inflated by the seemingly endless compliments I had received since I was just an adolescent, I operated with this assumption: Writing would be easy. I was obviously good at it. I figured I knew all that I needed to know, which meant that Iâd be able to hit the ground running and submit drafts that would remain untouched by those dreaded red pens. I was wrong. Really wrong I still distinctly remember the moment I got one of my very first drafts returned to me by an editor. Its margins were stuffed full with comments, suggestions, and corrections. My verb tense wasnât matching. I needed to remember to use the serial comma. I should really re-order the sections so that the piece would flow better. And, to top it all off, that editor thought that the article lacked clarity. You know what else I not-so-fondly remember about that experience? My eyes welling with tears, plenty of venting sessions, and maybe even one too many glasses of wine. I was mortified. This was the one area I had always been assured I was talented in. Yet, I wasnât seguing into this new career path with grace and a booming Hallelujah Chorus. What was going on? Had people just been lying to me all these years? Was I really just a crappy writer that had looked like she needed an ego boost? Of course, none of those nagging self-criticisms were true. Instead, that lesson served as an excellent reminder of this: Any new job- no matter how relevant or awesome or seemingly perfect for you- is going to be challenging when youâre just getting started. Talent doesnât automatically equate to flawlessness. Skill doesnât always trump experience. And, being naturally good at something will never mean that you have absolutely nothing to learn or improve. Yes, Iâll be the first to admit that it can be discouraging to feel like youâre miserably failing at something that you thought was one of your strong suits. But, instead of being disheartened, take comfort in the fact that itâs normal- and even expected. Remember, nobody starts out as an expert, and you likely wonât sail by with ease on your first attempt- no matter how much raw talent you have. When it comes to your career, it takes some time, humility, and maybe even a few red pen edits to get things right.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
10 Interview Mistakes You Need to Avoid
10 Interview Mistakes You Need to Avoid 10 Interview Mistakes You Need to Avoid What shouldnt you do when interviewing? There are mistakes you can make that will knock you out of the contention, or make an interviewer think twice about inviting you for a second interview or offering you a job. Jobvites 2017 Recruiter Nation Report said there are some things that can automatically disqualify a candidate, including being rude to the receptionist or other support staff (86%), checking your phone (71%), showing up late (58%), bad hygiene (52%), interrupting the interviewer (39%) and bringing food to the interview (38%). What else shouldnt you do when interviewing? Here are some of the top interview mistakes, blunders, and errors a candidate for employment can make. Spend time preparing to interview, so these dont happen to you! 10 Interview Mistakes to Avoid 1. Not Preparing: Not being able to answer the question What do you know about this company? might just end your quest for employment, at least with this employer. Background information including company history, locations, divisions, and a mission statement are available in an About Us section on most company websites. Review it ahead of time, then print it out and read it over just before your interview to refresh your memory. Also check the companys LinkedIn page and Facebook page, if they have one. You should be prepared to answer the most common interview questions and know which of your qualifications and experience are most relevant to the position. 2. Dress Inappropriately: Dressing inappropriately can work both ways - outfits can too casual or too formal for a position. Calibrate your interview outfit to the industry and company style. You will certainly want to wear a suit if you are interviewing for a professional position. When interviewing for a summer job at your local theme park or as a lifeguard, though, a suit just doesnt make sense. Instead, dress in neat and casual attire. If you arent sure what to wear, visit the organization and watch employees coming in and out of the office to see what they are wearing. 3. Poor Communication Skills: Its important to communicate well with everyone you meet in your search for employment. It is, however, most important to positively connect with the person who might hire you. Shake hands, make eye contact, exude confidence, engage the person you are speaking with, and you will let the interviewer know that you are an excellent candidate for this position - before you even answer an interview question. 4. Too Much Communication: Believe it or not, a recent candidate for employment, who, by the way, didnt get the job, didnt hesitate to answer his cell phone when it rang during an interview. Leave the phone behind or at least turn it off before you enter the building. Same goes for coffee, food and anything else other than you, your resume, your job application, and your list of references. They dont belong in an interview. 5. Talk Too Much: There is nothing much worse than interviewing someone who goes on and on and on... The interviewer really doesnt need to know your whole life story. Keep your answers succinct, to-the-point, and focused. Dont ramble - simply answer the question. 6. Dont Talk Enough: Its really hard to communicate with someone who answers a question with a word or two. So, even though you shouldnt talk too much, you do want to be responsive and fully answer the question as best you can. 7. Fuzzy Facts: Even if you submitted a resume when you applied for the job, you may also be asked to fill out a job application. Make sure you know the information you will need to complete an application including dates of prior employment, graduation dates, and employer contact information. 8. Give the Wrong Answer: Make sure you listen to the question and take a moment to gather your thoughts before you respond. Like the following candidate, youll knock yourself out of contention if you give the wrong answer. The interviewer had completely described a sales and marketing position to the candidate. She emphasized that cold calling and prospecting were the most important skills and experiences needed for the position. The candidate responded to the question about what she did or didnt like to do in sales, with these words: I hate to do cold calling and prospecting, and Im not good at it. That response ensured that she wouldnt get the job! 9. Badmouthing Past Employers: Your last boss was an idiot? Everyone in the company was a jerk? You hated your job and couldnt wait to leave? Even if its true dont say so. Its sometimes a smaller world than you think and you dont know who your interviewer might know, including that boss who is an idiot... You also dont want the interviewer to think that you might speak that way about his or her company if you leave on terms that arent the best. 10. Forget to Follow Up: Afraid you didnt make the best impression? Are you sure that you aced the interviewed? Either way, be sure to follow up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position and the company. Finally, even if you do flub the interview, dont take it to heart. I dont think there is anyone hasnt blown an interview or two. If it happens, look at it like it just wasnt meant to be, learn from your mistakes and move on to the next opportunity. 2:00 Watch Now: What to Do When You're Late for an Interview
Monday, November 11, 2019
Tricking People into Caring About Your Awards and College GPA
Tricking People into Caring About Your Awards and College GPA Tricking People into Caring About Your Awards and College GPA The thrill of winning an award is quickly followed by discovering that no one really cares. Even though an award is someone telling you âgood job,â if you talk about it at a dinner party, youâre stepping into the realm of shameless self-promotion. That new contact youâre meeting at a networking event doesnât want to hear about your community service award and a hiring manager who sees a 4.0 listed on your resume isnât going to be automatically compelled to call. Like most college seniors, my new intern Rebecca will be spending the next several months shoring up the grades and achievements that she envisions will make her resume stand out from other entry-level job seekers. This mentality of achievement is drilled into both students and workers. Meeting this monthâs targets, next quarterâs goals, and our annual objectives are a constant drumbeat. As soon as one goal is met, the clock is already ticking on the next one. However, when it comes time to job search, communicating that you met your baseline expectations for nine consecutive quarters isnât an achievement that a hiring manager will care about because all youâre saying is: âI did my jobâ. The trick to transforming a personal or professional feat into something that will make employers take notice requires a switch in thinking: the award must become secondary to the story. Yesterday morning my intern Rebecca was lamenting that her cumulative grade point average was two-tenths of a point below the cut-off for cum laude. With only two semesters until graduation, she had little time or room for error to achieve the GPA that will give her this honor. Although she was quick to admit that her GPA has limited applicability in the real-world, she remained steadfast to this aim. I didnât attempt to dissuade her from the goal, but instead advised her to start conceptualizing ways to turn her journey to achieve higher grades into a story that would resonate with future employers. The harsh truth is: the GPA itself is irrelevant, as are all the other accolades pursued by students and workers alike. Whether itâs an academic prize, a sales plaque, or a civic honor, most awards are nondescript and many are suspect in their selection process, making the award inherently meaningless to others. However, you can overcome this emotional disconnection by developing a powerful story about the events that led up to the recognition. In order to make herself memorable and provide an edge over other candidates, I advised Rebecca to transform her GPA into a story that demonstrates her true character. For instance, she could talk about always being a diligent student, but that a life-threatening health concern arose during the middle of her junior year and temporarily derailed her studies. After fighting for her health, she resumed her studies and set a goal to graduate on-time and with honors. Within the context of her personal struggles, the GPA becomes a gripping tale that reveals intimate and important elements of Rebeccaâs character. With this approach, itâs possible to turn losing an award into a point that reflects positively on you. In this case, I told Rebecca that even if she missed her goal of graduating cum laude, she could tweak the story within the context of her health scare and academic diligence. A version of the story about her missing her goal would share additional important details about her positive attitude and new-found understanding that good health is most important in life. Knowing Rebecca, I am confident she will graduate cum laude, but thatâs not what matters most. Ultimately, potential employers will be more impressed by what Rebecca overcame and learned in the process, than the numbers after the decimal point on her final transcript. The same is true of any award. Turn your honors and awards into stories to bring the journey to life in a way that reveals characteristics that will be attractive to potential employers and new connections. Youâll make people care about your awards without bragging about yourself or boring your audience. Want to start turning your achievements into stories? Download this free eBook, which will help you find stories from your life that will be interesting and compelling to others.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Engineer Resume Examples Fundamentals Explained
Engineer Resume Examples Fundamentals Explained There's something named Resume paper that's manufactured especially for CVs. Put simply, you're create a condition with no available paths to finish the recruitment circuit. In many instances, designing specific parts of software will be critical. Opportunely, engineering resumes have an extremely straightforward format. Type of Engineer Resume Examples Managers like to employ those who can grow into a function. The very last thing that you want to do is make a prospective employer think you're boring or not able to communicate effectively with nontechnical personnel. As the name implies, objective statement states your career goal to the employer that you want to accomplish working in the organization. There was a time every time a proper Resume meant an overview of the academic achievements. When obtaining a house loan, then you're going to be requested to get a brief resume cover letter to convince the lender that you'r e creditworthy and you're going to have the capability to cover the loan. There are various ways of achieving an effective resume. There are many reasons for resignation including wellness, family issues or employment troubles. If you want to do two or three distinct things, then build a few specific resumes. Vital Pieces of Engineer Resume Examples Engineering has something for everybody. Subsea Engineers exclusively manage the installation and upkeep of mechanical systems under the sea. They are associated with innovation and design. Electrical engineers should know lots of technology and software to achieve different tasks. Although engineering job profile encompasses a wide selection of specialties, efficient resume strategies are required for particular disciplines. Brainstorm your answers to the questions which you think that they will probably ask. It's also important to follow along with the right engineering resume format when applying for work. Finding Engineer Resume Examples Electrical engineering is just one of the most highly regarded STEM fields. It is possible to also be certain you emphasize your education by including a quick collection of a number of the vital courses you took in addition to your (high!) Successful university projects will function as proof it's possible to walk the walk. Some of your university projects may also count, especially in the event that you put in the excess hours to impress your professor. Top Engineer Resume Examples Choices Letters were the easiest and most economical means of communicating until the introduction of the recent communication techn ologies. A well written header can create an effect. Establishing a portfolio at one of the well-known platforms like Behance is a good way to showcase their work. You'll enhance your probability of finding the internship if you scrape up a very small bit of experience first. Thus it is essential for any candidate gearing up for his dream job to experience a couple of content that are already offered. So, only select a couple of your best soft abilities, which you could back up with an appropriate experience. If your experience is extensive and you may end up with more than one page, do it! Finding the Best Engineer Resume Examples An In many scenarios, no employer may safely accept a resignation. The employer is permitted to consider such a petition made by way of an employee and can decide to permit the worker to retract the resignation. Irrespective of the reason for your writing, the correspondence has to be Formal and professional. It's Vital for you To fully grasp how to compose letters for particular purposes. All letters to employees have to get addressed with the appropriate titles of the recipients. Don't anticipate a business to identify what you ought to be. Should you prefer to commence a company that you will require cash. Among the best approaches to completely grasp the manner where the business operates it to listen to and watch. There are businesses which you want to get associated with and jobs you dream of having. Things You Won't Like About Engineer Resume Examples and Things You Will Your engineering Resume Templates is a powerful advertising tool, so make the the majority of it. Hence, it's your key duty to make your application better than theirs. Opportunely, network engineer resumes have an extremely straightforward format. As an Engineer, it could be smart to create a web-based po rtfolio that you are able to show to prospective employers who want to have more information than your resume provides. What Everybody Dislikes About Engineer Resume Examples and Why You are able to find out more about what to put in your CV from our mechanical engineer CV example. You will have to tailor each one to every work description. To find out more on what it requires to be a Field Engineer, have a look at our complete Field Engineer Job Description. To find out more on what it requires to be a Design Engineer, take a look at our complete Design Engineer Job Description.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
What You Should Do to Find Out About Inside Sales Resume Before Youre Left Behind
What You Should Do to Find Out About Inside Sales Resume Before You're Left Behind Software-specific certifications are a few of the very best business certifications out there for a wide range of sales roles, including Salesforce. Sales position where my abilities and experience can effectively be utilized to raise sales revenue. Find out more about sales careers. Startups are normally inside this category. Business opportunities that need a monetary investment aren't acceptable. Which means that you have to understand how to make the best letter as possible send to the organization and offer good first impact about yourself. All job listings will stay active for as many as 60 days. The important thing here is to have them involved in the conversation early even when you fear a negative reaction. Since you can see here, it doesn't need to be long, only including relevant parts of information like school name, date, etc.. Don't neglect to demonstrate that you currently knowledgeable concerning the position for the specific company and tell your skill which could assist you and the organization to thrive. Retail sales associates want to work with many individuals, and thus they ought to be strong in communication. As an inside sales representative, it's imperative you possess great communication abilities. You must find out the way to create the most efficient sales representative skills resume as you're in a position to send to the business and offer great first impression about your self, understand it here. Being seen as scatter brain is bad for you as well as your sales. Read the work description like your life is dependent on it. Active listening is a challenging skill to acquire. If you don't have any huge accomplishments in your private life, start contemplating ways to get one quickly. As soon as you understand how people will likely see you based on your resume, locate a way to smooth out your very first impression to sound well-rounded. Paradoxically, the more accomplished you're, the more folks are most likely to worry that you've got no life beyond work. Active listening is imperative to get the trust of your prospect. Fourth, focus on your in-person impression. Read the next outside sales maintenance representative resume sample to acquire a notion of what success looks like. As you can't possibly cover every bit of software a possible employer might use, the most well-known sales software certifications are very likely to capture the interest of possible employers. If it's not explained everywhere, then attempt to call the business to question who's anyone accountable for it. In-depth grasp of the sales process, the capability to develop strong customer relationships and close sales. Asks the proper questions Questions are a fantastic device in sales. To aid you in getting going on this, here is some advice you may follow to make sure you proceed through the interview flawlessly and with terrific confidence. Standard comprehension of computers and navigating the web. If needed, write down your thoughts about these questions, and locate the ideal way to state them. The Key to Successful Inside Sales Resume Bear in mind, as soon as you're selling on behalf of a business and an item, everything you say will be connected to the brand. So as to acquire different people's attention easily, you've got to consider beyond sales. As an inside sales representative, it's your duty to discover prospective clients, rate their interests and determine whether they have a method to buy the item. You have to be articulate on the telephone and be in a position to provide the customer a fantastic enough description of the product to gain his business enterprise. By the 1970s telemarketing proved to be a frequent phrase used to refer to the practice of selling over the telephone. The work is more or less the exact same as that of a normal salesperson. Along with enhancing your resume, this course will aid in improving your own sales interactions.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Secret Details About Waiter Resume Most People Arent Aware Of
The Secret Details About Waiter Resume Most People Aren't Aware Of Once your academic qualifications are dealt with, you are able to move on to your prior work experience when you have any. The very first significant section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. Excels at customer support. Excellent customer service abilities. A waitress resume template consists of the exact same info and data an ordinary resume does. Whether this Waitress And Waiter resume example was not sufficient for you, you're absolutely free to review various other samples and templates from our website. Locate a resume template which suits your taste. The standard of resumes appear good. If you're looking for sample resumes then here are a few of the links for the resume in specific job specifications. Evaluation and Mapping Tab Resume Mapper provides an Evaluation function that performs numerous checks to make certain your resume or cover letter is appropriate for ranking by an ATS program and does not include many common mistakes that can lead to a resume to get rejected. Then think about a few basic questions to enable you to clarify which format would be ideal for you. In precisely the same way that you're predicted to market the best offerings of the fine dining restaurant, it's also advisable to emphasize the abilities and qualifications that make you the very best candidate for the job. My innovative suggestions and dynamic personality will please my employee in addition to, my customers. Working in the food service industry may be a grueling experience occasionally, so demonstrate that you're patient and can work nic ely with other folks. Even if you believe you don't have a great deal of experience, you truly do. Our resume builder makes it simple to create an in a few minutes. Among the advice that you can keep in mind whilst writing your own resume is that there needs to be some experiences that may demonstrate that you're able to work under pressure. Your probability of getting the job can become very slim when it happens. You may change your writing format depending on the sort of job you're hunting for. Definitions of Waiter Resume When working on a resume, make certain to steer clear of clerical errors which can lead to a prospective employer to weed yours out very fast. As with other creative resumes, it isn't meant for the majority of employers, so you might want to get a traditionally formatted resume on hand to complement it. Many employers perceive jobhoppers as individuals lacking the abilities or emotional and mental stability needed to keep employment. Every employer is searching for the candidate that has what it requires to be successful at work and permit them to realize their objectives. Featuring only the experience and techniques that mirror the job demands of the position you're seeking can continue to keep the length in check. In case the applicant has two individual sets of skills in at least two kinds of industry, separate resumes that highlight different skills are produced to suit each type. Obviously, each job will call for various abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the job description with care and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. As the work market grew increasingly more competitive, objectives became obsolete. Job descriptions for the exact position will read differently depending on the type of job that you're searching for now. Bear in mind your recruiters want a possible candidate who's capable of presenting himself in an intelligent manner. Evaluate your qualifications and identify whe ther fitsA the demands of the waitress job position extended by a company. It's also vital to include applicant's work experience for a waiter. Conclusion To enhance the strength of your waitress resume, you must focus on your objective statement. As a waitress applicant, it is quite crucial that you pay attention to your abilities and abilities when creating a resume. The job of a waiter or waitress contains a wide scope of tasks and duties that vary in line with the sort of employer. Characteristics of Waiter Resume You have to show employers that what you bring to the table is just what they're searching for. You're telling the employer what you would like from them. Aside from hospitality, lots of things are necessary for becoming a waitress. There are a lot of things that you have to take into consideration when applying for work and one of them is having a superior waitress resume. The waitress ought to be friendly. She needs to ensure that the table is cleared. A great waiter ought to be able to satisfy the requirements of the customer, even if they're not being entirely fair. Being a waiter or waitress isn't an effortless job. Regardless of what your job field could be, cashier job descriptions for your company sector will list the exact same group of desired qualifications employing precisely the same set of words and phrases. When you're asking for work, it is almost always better to use resume templates which have been specially designed to suit the objective. If your resume is only one page it's still very much appreciated. Based on different facets of this profession, there are distinct resumes that has to be employed to secure work.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Personal Banker Resume That Only a Few People Know Exist
Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Personal Banker Resume That Only a Few People Know Exist Even though you may perform a number of tasks as a personal banker, your capacity to keep immaculate records and carefully input information into databases is important to landing work in your area. When you produce a personal banker resume, make sure that you concentrate on your capacity to use a wide variety of computer and accounting computer software. You have to be good with numbers. You ought to be proficient in numerous accounting program. Perhaps while trying to find examples you noticed poor samples all over the internet. If you've got an extremely lengthy description, then it's fine to incorporate the specifics all on a single line and make a distinct line for those results. It is extremely easy to read because it presents your info in an organized fashion. You'll find more details on different kinds of skills for a resume in the previous section. What Personal Banke r Resume Is - and What it Is Not The roles and duties of an entry level banking professional is dependent on the kind of position they work for. Maybe you will truly work as a shop manager in five years time, in the exact bank, and perhaps you'll have a totally different occupation (or are living in another country). In the majority of companies, it's considered entry level. Today the personal banker does much more for a broader selection of people than previously. The Secret to Personal Banker Resume Presented here's a typical case of a personal banker job description. You can receive the work even in the event you experience an entry level Accounts Payable resume. Supplies might not be delivered. If you are searching for Free Resume Samples then you've come to the proper spot. Usually, you can choose to publish References located on request. Choosing Personal Banker Resume Is Simple Getting licensed and certified is a wonderful thing. Because anyone can find with a similar looking list. First off, you must discover the correct job offerone that fits with your professional interests and experience level. Well, you must know that no hiring manager will be impressed with the list of your abilities either. Though many employers do not need certifications, it would arrive in handy once you are trying for career advancement. Don't concentrate on only one facet of the job. Interviews for individual banking positions typically concentrate on responsibilities and essential skills essential for the position, such as financial wisdom and strong customer service abilities. Personal bankers should have excellent interpersonal and communication abilities. They must have excellent customer service skills and the ability to gain and maintain their customers' trust. Listening to their requirements and communicating pleasantly are essential to foster excellent relations with them. If you've got the essential experience, utilize the reverse chronological. As soon as you're done Get rid of all of the skills you just have a simple grasp of. Assess how good you're at every one of your abilities and talents. The majority of their customers are private citizens of the communities where the bankers do the job. A personal banker accounts for the bulk of client interactions at a financial institution. He will work through the problem with the customer until it is resolved. You have earned the great personal banker resume. Focus on why the business should hire you as opposed to why you would like to work for the provider. Entry-level jobs quickly offer six-figure salaries. Furthermore, you can look for investment banking jobs on Monster. Adept at working independently or as an element of an expert banking team. Particularly if you're writing an accredited personal banker resume. Becoming a Personal Banker is a good method to begin a career in the finance market.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The New Fuss About Resume in English
The New Fuss About Resume in English If you previously live close to the business's office, great! It's possible for you to use our resume building software to produce your own from scratch. If you don't supply the info needed for the hiring agency to find out your qualifications, you may not be considered for the job. Don't neglect to add your professional social networking accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn, especially if you're looking for work in IT or Marketing. You're able to change pretty much every facet of your favorite template. Have a peek at these examples to select which format is ideal for you. It's very simple and simple to edit or customize the template. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for several factors. Want to Know More About Resume in English? To learn to compose a resume you have to commit a good deal of thought and effort in what you can do to help an employer. Most men and women look at writing a resume as just so mething you've got to do to have a job. If you're thinking about how to create a resume, you're in the correct place! The issue is, a great deal of people don't see it like an art formrather an obligation. If you are thinking about where to receive a professional resume or cover letter, then you've come to the proper location. There's no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing it's made utilizing a template. Whether you're putting your resume together yourself or with the assistance of a friend or professional, there are plenty of areas which every job seeker should know about that can inadvertently cause your resume to go rejected. A resume builder will allow you to rectify any errors and supply you with a working vision of the resume as you edit. A simple online resume builder will supply you with decent results if you've got great writing skills. Once you've reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a potent accomplishment statement. HR managers will have the ability to glean the mai n information regarding you in 1 glance. The area of information technology gets more important each day. In that case, make certain your descriptions reflect that information. If it comes to resumes, different types ought to be available. There are two sorts of font. The peak of your resume should includecritical search phrases and a fast snapshot of your core strengths, Leavy-Detrick states. You also ought to list wow content below a distinct category, including an Honors and Awards or Media Mentions subhead. Including a pop of color, for instance, is a great means to make your resume stand out. Up in Arms About Resume in English? There are a lot of standard forms of resumes used to make an application for job openings. When it has to do with your work history, begin with the latest job you had. Don't make the error of answering each job posting with the very same generic resume. A great editing job will take just a little longerand some particular tactics intended to c atch resume errors. Ensuring your categories are well organized is a fast approach to help set you in the yes pile and keep you from the trash pile. A lot of people don't like their existing job or career. You never begin an advertising campaign without knowing who you wish to attain. Want to Know More About Resume in English? Building a resume isn't a task you'll be able to leave up to chance. Education is another significant part your resume. Resumes might be organized in various ways. Vital Pieces of Resume in English You must spend time into each application and make sure that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job that you're applying to. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often they're utilized to secure new employment. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. Also show you're a well-rounded worker.
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